Croydon Healthy Streets: Addiscombe East-West Roads Communication Plan between 27th Jan 2024 and 18th May 2024

Croydon Healthy Streets: Addiscombe East-West Roads

Communication Plan between 27th Jan 2024 and 18th May 2024

Draft communication plan from Croydon Council Officers for discussion on the 27th of January 2024 . This is aimed at keeping resident groups informed of activities between the 27th Jan  and 18th May  2024.

Item 1

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
27th January 2024 Afternoon session Co-design workshop In person St Mildred ‘s Church Pavillon


Purpose of co-design activity on 27th Jan

  1. To work in groups to identify potential solutions to transport related issues

Item 2

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
2nd February I day Council feedback Email N/A


Purpose of activity on 2nd Feb 2024

  1. To offer a snapshot of feedback to community reps on the outcome of the co-design discussions

Item 3

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
9th February I day Community Review Email N/A


Purpose of activity on 9th Feb

  1. Community Representatives to review feedback from co-design session (i.e does it reflect the discussions at the co-design workshop)

Item 4

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
12th Feb- 13th March  4 weeks Community wider engagement To suit community’s best practice N/A


Engagement Methodology

Resident Associations to select their preferred method, council will require documented feedback as evidence of wider engagement. Council can assist in its development, analysis and reporting.  The council can offer its printing services  and delivery of a package to a specified address for each association.

Purpose of activity between 12th Feb – 13th March 2024

  1. Resident Groups to engage the wider community within their Associations on ideas generated at the workshop. It is entirely up to each association how they carry out the wider engagement. Testing the sentiment of the wider community is key to progressing to the next stages with a degree of certainty.
  2. One option is to make use of our consultants to support the community with their engagement, i.e CAG can work with each association to carry out analysis and reporting if a questionnaire type survey is used. If associations prefer to engage online through their website then we will need to capture the views, analyse and report. Local ownership is key and ward cllrs can play a key role in working with association reps.
  3. It is very important to seek out those in the community who may not necessarily engage. The council will require information to be documented in a manner which can be used in formal reporting for approval purposes. The wider engagement may generate additional ideas or counter the ideas generated, in which case associations reps will need to engage deeply to negotiate an agreed set of ideas to feedback to the council. We can have separate discussions around how the council and its consultants can assist in the community led engagement process.
  4. It would be a good idea if we could develop a Priority ONE list integral to the wider engagement so that we can understand the most pressing issues and a Priority TWO list. Going forward the council will need to allocate resources and funding across the package of measures  to suit the funding allocations from TfL, priority list can be a useful tool to strengthen funding bids to TfL for additional funding.

 Item 5

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
19th March Evening session TBC  Feedback on wider engagement In person St Mildred Church Pavillon

Purpose of activity

  1. For the Community Reps to offer a feedback on the wider engagement and sentiments around ideas / solutions. The Council can present a snapshot analysis of the wider engagement to share across the group.

Item 6

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
20th March  6 weeks Technical Assessments/ discussions with TfL Background work by consultants N/A

Purpose of Activity

  1. To carry out technical  assessments / modelling on the  ideas generated to tackle through traffic issues and to engage TfL
  2. To carry out a technical appraisal of ideas generated to improve walking, cycling, road safety
  3. To assess the broad cost of these ideas to appreciate  the overall costing implications on current funding and  initiate discussions internally for additional funding from TfL  for 2025/26
  4. To look at other programme of works within the council under the TfL funded regime and to assess if any could be incorporated in current and future years

Item 7

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
30th April  1 day Council feedback   on technical assessments and appraisals In person St Mildred Church Pavillon


Purpose of activity

  1. To provide an interim feedback to community representatives on the technical assessment work/ technical appraisals of ideas / outcome of engagement with TfL etc. This session is key to ensure residents groups are kept abreast of current work and any potential changes which may be in the making as the technical assessments unfold.

Item 8

Date  Duration Activity Engagement Method Venue
18th May  Afternoon session ( Saturday) 2nd Co-design session In person St Mildred Church Pavillon


Purpose of activity

  1. Co-design session 2 to present technical assessment outcome and outcome of discussions with TfL,  impact assessments and potential adjustments. An opportunity exist to conclude on further idea development should it be required.
  2. This session is also about arriving at a conclusion and coming to an agreement on ideas/ solutions to tackle the issues/ problems you are currently experiencing through discussions  as we wish to  move forward to the next stages from the 18th
  3. The council can present a list of broadly costed measures   ( drawn from your lists)  for discussions.
  4. For the council to present the next set of project activities  and draft  timeline   leading to March 2025. This will include concluding our discussions with the Resident Associations and indirectly with the wider community, agree the solutions  and the necessary preparations for  TfL and Council approvals. We may be better placed to know what measures could be introduced  in 2024/25 when we have outlined the approvals timeline  and necessary preparatory work for further development and design, lead time for construction in line with the Traffic Management Act 2004.