Addiscombe West Councillors Newsletter July 2024

Planning Matters

Rear Of 79 – 83 Oval Road

Erection of a four-storey detached building consisting of 9No. serviced apartments (class C1 use) and provision of associated landscaping, cycle, and refuse storage

Sean has referred this application to the Planning Committee.  Including:

  • Failure to consult before the application is made
  • Privacy Concerns for the residents of the building and those who can overlook the School and Oval Road and new apartments on Cherry Orchard Road
  • Use of residential buildings as service apartments. Croydon has a shortage of homes, and these service apartments will not solve Croydon’s housing crisis.
  • Security and ASB concerns.
  • Parking and access to service Scheme.
  • Ensuring the alleyway is pedestrian-friendly.
  • Refuge Collection

Southern Housing Development Lower 40-80 Cherry Orchard Road

There remains a lack of progress in Building out the Southern Housing Scheme on Cherry Orchard Road,  and the site has become an eyesore. Clive Fraser recently emailed the Chief Executive for an update on when construction will start. Southern Housing states that they still intend to develop the site but that material and labour costs have risen. Plus, twice in succession, the builder they have employed has gone into administration.

Access to and Across East Croydon Station

Unfortunately, despite lobbying from various sources, we still await an opening date for pedestrian access to and across East Croydon Station from Cherry Orchard Road. Hopefully, the saga of this development scheme, which started over a decade will have a positive outcome this year.

Addiscombe East–West Neighbourhood area-wide road safety

Due to elections, further meetings on the review of traffic and road safety cover Addiscombe were delayed to 9th July.  Options to be considered include evening and night restrictions to some of the ladder roads between Lower Addiscombe Road and Addiscombe Road.

Park Hill Residents Meeting

The Park Hill Residents are having their AGM/Public meeting on the same night as the Addiscombe East–West Neighbourhood area-wide road safety meeting.  After providing a short article for their newsletter – Clive is attending to represent the Addiscombe West Councillors.

Anti -Social Behaviour/ Crime Concerns

As your local Councillors, we are aware of considerable concerns raised by residents and businesses.

Most recently, these include:

  • Oval Road – where Melaine Felten has raised several concerns in her role as Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
  • St Clair’s Road – drug dealing in covered car park
  • Cedar Road and environs – drug dealing and threatening behaviour
  • Instances of organised theft from the Local Coop
  • Plus, a nasty burglary in Edward Road

As with all these issues, the response to criminal activity lies with the Police.  We are in regular contact with the Safer Neighbour Team – whose response can be surprisingly good, with a reinforced focus on neighbour policing.  However, we are also aware that given Addiscombe West’s location next to the town centre and displacement of activity from the Town Centre Public Space Protection Order, local police resources are stretched.

The next meeting with the Safer Neighbourhood Team and Addiscombe West Ward Panel is on 25 July 2024.